I Was in a Crash!

I Broke and dislocated my elbow
Gruesome experience, close to max pain

I’m going to BIOHACK and try recover in RECORD time:

BPC peptide
Gallons of MILK

You see… The men of the future, THE UBERMENSCH, will be biohackers
Pleb bug eaters and tech-fearing trad dorks will both become UNTERMENSCH
We men of Science will achieve great health while they wallow in COPE
I will claim another victory for our side!

U mad?

Here’s The Plan

I want to MOGG my doctor
I was to heal like a Wolverine
I want him to tell me it’ll take 3 months
I want to show up 4 weeks in and FLEX him into submission

So, I’m going to use the Magic Power of PEPTIDES
Would you like a natural tan by boosting your bodies natural level of melanin?
How about the power to REVERSE the age of your face?
Or maybe you’ve broken your arm like me and want Wolverine healing power?

You body is built of proteins, and proteins are built up this way:
Their smallest pieces are LETTERS (amino acids)
Amino acids organise to form WORDS (peptides)
Which then create SENTENCES (full proteins)
You can CODE your body to do things by inputting these in various ways

For example:
Simply eating protein makes your BIGGER
But the words and letters have more specific powers:
L-Carnitine is a great fat loss animo acid
L-Theanine is a great amino acid for clean, sustained focus
Melanotan is a Peptide that literally makes you TAN

BPC 157

I’m going to try a peptide found in the juice in your stomach called: BODY PROTECTIVE COMPOUND
It causes rapid healing of injuries and wounds in places like nerves, tendons, and muscles
Hence I’m going to see can it fix my arm
Here are a few more:

Decreased inflammation in the body, no matter where it’s at
Increased muscle mass due to an increase in surface area of growth hormone receptors
Protection of cells, even when the body is undergoing any type of stress, including fever or illness

Increased blood flow and circulation
Heals and relieves symptoms from leaky gut
Relieves symptoms and more from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Aids in the rejuvenation of the liver, including healing damage done by alcohol and antibiotics

I’m going under the knife, so i’ll augment this BPC with some COPPER


There have been multiple studies that have shown the profound effects of GHK-Cu on the healing of wounds
A study was performed and showed that injections of GHK-Cu caused significant, systemic increases in collagen production, angiogenesis, and wound closure

Let’s see how all this goes!

Talk Soon!