Carl Jung’s Red Book

The Red Book is not like other books

It is the book your girlfriend told you not to worry about…

It is the book men think about when they should be thinking of their wives

It is a book that casts spells…

Back in 2017, an old friend of mine appeared at my door carrying the Red Book

I let him in and he rushed into the living room to slap it down on my old rickety coffee table

He peeled it open and for the first time Jung’s vibrant art struck my eyes

You see, I had always seen Jung as more of a “word” guy

He wrote a lot of dense and boring books

Pages and pages of Jung trying to “explain” his wacky ideas to me

His “Red” Book was different

It didn’t have to make any arguments

It seized my attention like a beautiful woman

A deeper part of me fell into a trance around it

All of Jung’s “books” felt stale compared to it 

This experience stuck with me for years

…And I saw this reflected in Jung’s legacy

From the most casual fans to the hardcore Jungians,

Everyone had a special reverence for The Red Book

Everytime it was mentioned they hushed their voices

I looked around and saw that this phenomenon went beyond Jung

Nietzsche, just like Jung, wrote many books explaining himself,

But his colorful and poetic Zarathustra stood at the peak of his legacy

Everyone who was “into” Nietzsche wanted to experience Zarathustra

And I saw the same with the Bible

The most captivating were not the long lists of Laws

But the parts that awoke our imagination:

Revelations, The visions of the Prophets, and the Story of Christ’s Passion

I saw how, in the long run, the visionary works defeated the chattering of theorycels to rise to the top


In time, I realized that this is exactly what Jung was trying to “point out” in all his books…

He was trying to help us remember that we had something strange and magical within us – something that speaks in visions and not in words

That speaks to us through art

That visits us when we dream

That haunts us or gives us hope

That seizes our mind and shows us new horizons…

Now, let me trigger Richard Dawkins

Jung was saying that this animated power within your mind is ALIVE

And it has been with us all throughout history

Appearing at crucial moments to “influence” our great geniuses

Always showing up as a guardian angel or divine God

You see, we often think of Science as sitting down and staring at thinly sliced pieces of trees while desperately trying to stay rational and not to hallucinate so we can peer into the secret truths of Mother Nature

But I’m here to tell you this is all cope

Descartes built the foundation of Science after being visited by an Angel during a dream who told him that: “Nature would be conquered by number and measure”

Biblical Prophets were possessed by visions and met “the Lord of this realm” who gave them accurate predictions about the future of the world

Shamans all say that they can enter a magic trance and meet the spirit Guides who take them to the Otherworld…

Nietzsche said he was charged with the energy to create his forward thinking philosophy when he was struck by a lightning bolt while crusading across the great mountains of Europe

The simple fact that this mysterious power exists makes Midwits rage post all day on Reddit

But, we more noble Souls

We who can see the magic

We wish to study it…

We have to ask ourselves…

What is this mysterious power?

It fills people with blistering creativity, but there are some uncomfortable side effects

When it strikes a person, they go into a frenzy

They may go on to produce something special…

Or they may end up locked up in an asylum

At the peak of Jung’s life at 40 that frenzy struck him…

The same frenzy that drove nietzsche mad

But the same Frenzy that made Nietzsche a genius…

Jung was faced with the hardest choice of his Life:

If he gives into the frenzy, will this animated angel appear to him and gift him a work of genius…

Or would he end up like Nietzsche running around butt naked in his garden raving about Greek Myths

But, before he was allowed to decide which path to go down, he had to deal with someone standing in the way…

Check out the full video here: